Monday, March 18, 2013

Books! Books! Books!


We went to the GoodBooks store at the GoodWill today. You can't beat $0.99 books...especially hard cover ones. :-)

While walking through the aisles of books at the goodwill...
Yes, I bought a children's book by Weird Al.
I had a flashback to college. To my book arts class. I miss making books. I miss writing books.

So I went home and found the books I made.

This is probably my favorite book that I made. I made the paper, too. It was displayed in a gallery with the lights dimmed on top of a light box so the snowflakes glistened.

I also found a file of negatives from my photography classes with notes from my professor attached. I've come a long way, but it's still good to reflect back and see their thoughts on my work. 

I miss doing art, but I miss writing the most. It brings me peace.

I have a desire to do this again and I wonder if it's time to turn my current career into a hobby and my writing/book making hobby into a career?

I think it's funny that the weird Al book is called "When I grow up" and the little boy says that his hundred year old grandpa has done so many jobs and still doesn't know what he wants to be.

...I guess that is me, too.

Wow, I just quoted Weird Al.

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