Thursday, March 28, 2013

I rest, too.

I placed you in your swing in front of a window and you calmed down.
Ms. Mabel decided to bother you and you flipped out.
You finally calmed down and I put you in the pack and play. It's your first time to sleep in there.
You sleep.

You've been crying so much that there's not been a lot of sleeping around here for me or for you. Today, I celebrate. You slept and you are asleep now. 

There are days where it's really hard to deal with your crying. I spend those days just holding you so you don't scream. I feel like I'm losing control of my house since I spend my days holding you. The moments like now where I do get you to nap...I rest, too, even though I should be getting things done around the house. 

Before you, silence would fill my house daily. A lot of times, in the silence, I'd hear God whisper. So today I rest and listen for his whisper and hope for some peace. 

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