Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 12 - A little gypsy

Miss Lily has been traveling a lot lately. About two weeks after we returned from our trip to Nashville, we had to drive back up to Nashville then up to Chicago for my grandfather's funeral.

She is such a good traveler considering the amount of time she spent in the car. A regular gypsy she is.

My grandparents left a huge legacy to this world: 7 children, 17 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.

The amount of lives my grandfather touched with his ability to share the word of God to anyone is mind-blowing...just imagine what his children and grandchildren could do. He certainly took being a follower of Christ seriously and used any opportunity to share, whether it was sharing God's word with a real estate client or someone at a restaurant.

I wish I could be so bold. I wish I could strike up a random conversation with a client that could potentially plant a seed that could change a life. Because that is what God has called us to do.


Lillian is roughly 4 months & 3 weeks.
I cannot believe how quickly she is growing. At first, it seemed like she was going to be in newborn clothing forever! Now she is outgrowing her clothes weekly.

Just yesterday she was:
 And could barely fit into her carseat. Now he head fits between the side cushions on it. :(

I start to get emotional when I think about how quickly she is changing. But I also get excited at the new things she is learning.

She smiles and laughs all of the time. She is so close to sitting up. She loves to grab things and pick things up. She started eating some solid veggies. She is learning to manipulate me with her crying, but I can tell the difference between real and fake cries.

Such a big girl now.

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