Friday, March 1, 2013

Real food for Lily!

Things are finally settling down after our trip. I'm still trying to catch up on laundry during little miss's naps.

Here's Lily's instagram week in review:

It's been almost two months since we started this new eating lifestyle. I'm proud to say we have stuck with it and I believe we will continue with it.

I work really hard everyday to keep my family healthy. At the end of the day, our health is all that we have. It pains me when I see helpless children subjected to unhealthy eating lifestyles. I wish everyone could be educated in what is healthy. Giving your child sugar packed juices and snacks is setting them up failure later on in life.

Lily's doctor told me to start feeding her cereal this week. We don't eat any grains, so I don't want her to eat grains. It lacks proper nutritional value. I don't feel like vitamins should be added to food when you can get those vitamins naturally in vegetables. So she told me to start her on vegetables. So far we've tried avocados, carrots and sweet potatoes. She has loved them all!

I now have my camera battery back so I will be taking lots of messy food pictures of Lily! 

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